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Sky Foundation is the perfect place to discover and share knowledge on various topics. Explore quality content and useful advice to develop your skills and get inspired!
About us
Hello, I'm don and this is Jade my Best friend. We are high vibrational incarnates to help Earths transition into a higher aspect of light & Love. I have always had an inner knowing of being different and aware something here seems off or in a matter of speaking not right. Hence my awakening in 2019 where I took that leap and went all in learning everything I could to arm myself with knowledge for the coming cosmic changes. I was a single man with my own buisness and aware but unaware because I had a plethera of distractions to keep me from seeing my reality for what it really is. I had plenty of distractions from women to sports to working many hours and creating incredible debt, I met someone that would inadvertently send me down rabbit holes that would consume years of my life learning Polotics / Realities/ History / and Esotaric anomalies that would lead me to an elevation of clear and rational thinking. This journey I have navigated has started for many of you as the veil is lifting and our dark past is being reveiled but make no mistake it is not an easy path as the distractions only become more plentiful when you begin to see clearly. Follow along and direct your own path as I did, I assure you this path is coming no matter what for everyone so arm yourself as I did with Knowledge of our reality and the coming changes that will effect the entire galaxy not just our planet.
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